The Internships of Foreign Students and Graduates of the “UPinLT” Project Will be Implemented by Eight Lithuanian Universities
The Education Exchanges Support Foundation has signed contracts with eight Lithuanian universities, which will participate in the “UpinLT” project (Foreign Practitioners in Lithuania Program).
At the beginning of November, after the end of the competition and the evaluation of the submitted applications, it was noted that the activities of foreign students and graduates’ internships in Lithuania will be implemented by the following Lithuanian higher education institutions:
• ISM University of Management and Economics
• Kaunas University of Technology
• Lithuanian Sports University
• Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
• Mykolas Romeris University
• Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH)
• Vilnius University
• Vytautas Magnus University
You can find the list of universities, information on quota distribution and allocated funding here.
You can find more information about the competition here.
It is planned that by the end of the “UpinLT” project (August 31, 2024), as many as 275 foreign students and graduates will perform work practices directly related to their study program in companies and organizations operating in Lithuania. The duration of internships for foreign students will be 2 to 6 months, and the internships and internships of graduates can last from 4 to 6 months.
Almost EUR 600,000 of European Union investment program funds are provided for scholarships for foreign students.
Foreign practitioners in Lithuania program (“UpinLT”) is funded by European Union – NextGenerationEU