
The Official Website of Lithuania

Co-creating impactful solutions, tackling global challenges, thinking, acting and dreaming beyond our borders.

Globally minded and welcoming, Lithuania is a place where great ideas come to life. It’s a stage where a cooperative spirit meets skillful improvisation to create globally recognized innovations in business, science, culture, governance, and beyond. In the realms of business and science, we edit genes, disrupt the payment infrastructure, and build laser technology that helps move progress forward. In culture, we have helped to revolutionize filmmaking, and make huge Hollywood projects happen. Meanwhile, we are building bridges between the public sector and startups that yield great and unexpected results. When it comes to international relations, we see it as our mission to defend freedom and democracy in our part of the world and beyond. We are proud of the part we play in the Eastern Partnership initiative and NATO’s deterrence strategy. And the thread that runs through all of this? A desire to co-create – to share, inspire and empower.

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