October 16, 2014

Lithuanians among top bilingual nations in Europe

We often praise how Lithuanians are among top bilingual nations in Europe, but it gets even better with the recent survey from Eurobarometer (organized by the European Commision). This research showed that, on average, a single Lithuanian can converse in 2.7 languages. Another interesting metric is the median number of languages spoken. This number means that if you were to order all Lithuanians to stand in line – the guy or girl in the middle would speak exactly that number of languages. In our case – 2,5 means that about a half (45-55%) of Lithuanians speak 2 languages, and the other half – three.

This proves one more time, that if you are coming to study in Lithuania – you will find people who either know English, or Russia, or, most likely in the cities – both languages, on top of the native tongue. To learn more about this research have a look here and here.