
Full-Time Master Degree Studies

Call for applications for full-time master’s degree or integrated studies at Lithuanian higher education institutions is now CLOSED!


Education Exchanges Support Foundation is opening a Call for applications for Lithuanian state scholarships for full-time Master’s degree or integrated studies (a maximum of the two last years of the integrated studies) at Lithuanian higher education institutions for the year 2024.

Funding under the Call will be provided to the citizens of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Georgia, Israel, Japan, Moldova, South Korea, Ukraine and foreigners of Lithuanian origin from non-EU and EFTA countries, 100 grants in total (monthly scholarships and grants covering the study cost), ensuring quotas for citizens of the following countries:

Belarus (10 grants);
Ukraine (20 grants);
• Foreign citizens of Lithuanian origin from non-EU and EFTA countries (5 grants).

A monthly scholarship is equal to 550 EUR. The grant covering the study cost is limited to and cannot be higher than the national standard study price.

1. Candidate must be a citizen of one of the following countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Georgia, Israel, Japan, Moldova, South Korea, Ukraine, or a foreigner of Lithuanian origin from non-EU and non-EFTA countries.
2. Citizens of Belarus must hold a valid residence permit in Lithuania.
3. Candidate must have a good knowledge of Lithuanian, English, or other language in which the study programme will be conducted.
4. Candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree by the end of the 2023/2024 academic year or be a 4th year student of integrated studies if the studies last 6 years/3rd year student of integrated studies if the studies last 5 years at a Lithuanian higher education institution.
5. Candidate must have an official letter of acceptance or pre-acceptance for full-time Master’s degree studies from a Lithuanian higher education institution, including confirmation that the language level of the candidate is sufficient for the chosen study programme. In the case of integrated studies, candidate must have an official confirmation letter issued by a Lithuanian higher education institution certifying that the candidate is studying an integrated study programme and indicating the year of studies. The document must also confirm that the language level of the candidate is sufficient for the chosen study programme.
6. The state scholarship can be granted only once. A candidate who has already received funding under this instrument will not be eligible.
7. In the case of an international joint degree programme with a portion of the studies (as a mandatory mobility period) being in the candidate’s home country, funding can be granted only to the portion of studies held in a Lithuanian higher education institution.
8. The state scholarship cannot be granted to a candidate who has already received a Master’s degree.

• A candidate must apply through the online application system and enclose listed scanned documents. All information in the application (including attached documents) must be provided in English or Lithuanian.

• Before applying for the first time, the candidate must register in the online application system.

• Once logged in, the candidate must click on the “Create Application” box under “Applications” and select the scope and the call “Scholarships for Full-Time Master Degree Studies”.

A candidate should submit a document certifying the completion of education at a higher education institution (diploma and its supplement) or a transcript of records to the Lithuanian higher education institution in order to be accepted to a Master’s degree programme. The Higher education institution will provide assessment results (arithmetic average) of the candidate’s academic grades (with all additional required information) to the Education Exchanges Support Foundation. 

A candidate must provide copies of these listed documents through the online application system:
1. One recommendation letter. It is recommended to use this format. (IMPORTANT: The date of issuing the recommendation provided must be no earlier than half a year before the date of deadline of the application).
2. For full-time Master’s degree studies: a copy of the acceptance or pre-acceptance letter issued by a Lithuanian higher education institution certifying that the candidate was admitted to or a confirmation letter certifying that the candidate is studying in a full-time Master’s degree study programme, including the candidate’s name, surname, the study programme in which the candidate studies and its state code, and the candidate’s study period.The document must also confirm that the language level of the candidate is sufficient for the chosen study programme.
For full-time integrated studies: a copy of the confirmation letter issued by a Lithuanian higher education institution certifying that the candidate is studying an integrated study programme, including the candidate’s name, surname, the study programme which the candidate studies and its state code, the candidate’s study year and study period. The document must also confirm that the language level of the candidate is sufficient for the chosen study programme.
3. For citizens of Belarus: applicants must submit a copy of a valid residence permit in Lithuania
4. For foreigners of Lithuanian origin: applicants must submit a certificate or other document proving his/her Lithuanian origin, issued by the Lithuanian community of a respective country or other competent authority (such as an embassy or similar).

Selection of the candidates:
All eligible and complete applications are assessed by experts. The final decision on granting the State Scholarship to candidates will be based on:

1. Applicant’s motivation (50 %). Applicant’s motivation will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• experience and achievements which are related to the chosen study programme in Lithuania;
• the validity of choosing a particular study program and higher education institution in Lithuania;
• the validity of benefits of studying in Lithuania for future career and personal development;
• the validity of the applicant’s suitability to receive the Lithuanian state scholarship.

2. Arithmetic average of academic grades (50 %):
• Candidates for full-time Master’s degree studies in Lithuania: Bachelor degree academic achievements;
• Students of full-time Master’s degree studies in Lithuania: Bachelor degree academic achievements and academic results of passed courses and modules during the 1st year of the full-time Master’s degree study programme;
• Integrated study programme students in Lithuania: academic results of the passed courses and modules of the integrated study programme.


• Priority will be given to candidates who are planning to or have already started their full-time Master’s degree in the Lithuanian language. Priority is equal to 2 extra points to the competition score.
• Priority will be given to candidates who hold a Bachelor or Professional Bachelor degree of a Lithuanian higher education institution and candidates who are currently studying an integrated study programme in a Lithuanian higher education institution. Priority is equal to 2 extra points to the competition score.
• Priority will be given to candidates who are planning to study or are already studying (Master’s degree): Informatics, Life sciences, and Engineering. Priority is equal to 15 extra points to the competition score.

Financial conditions:

• Students must physically study in Lithuania in order to receive the scholarship and the grant covering the study cost. Remote studies are not eligible for financing.
• The grant covering the study cost is equal to the national standard study price when the study cost established by a higher education institution exceeds the national standard study price, or equal to the study cost payable for the studies when the study cost established by a higher education institution does not exceed the national standard study price. When the study cost established by a higher education institution exceeds the national standard study price, the candidate having received a grant must cover the difference between the study cost established by a higher education institution and the national standard study price.
• Scholarships are paid throughout the study period (including periods of holidays), by transferring money on a monthly basis to a student’s personal account (transfers to the student’s personal bank account are made by the Lithuanian higher education institution, in which the student is enrolled).
• The total amount of the scholarship and the grant will be transferred to the bank account of the Lithuanian higher education institution, in which the student studies, twice per year (by 1 November for the autumn semester and by 1 April for the spring semester).
• In the case of funding, students will be required to learn the Lithuanian language during the first academic year after receiving the scholarship (from 1 September 2024 to 30 June 2025). Students will need to obtain an A1 level or take an A1 level 6 credit course. Exemptions apply if:
o students have less than a year left to complete their studies (i.e. only one semester);
o students who have already achieved A1 level or take an A1 level 6 credit course and have a document to prove it (bachelor’s diploma supplement, course certificate, etc.);
o the student has been self-studying and believes he/she has level A1, he/she should apply to the Lithuanian higher education institution for assessment of the competencies acquired through non-formal and self-education methods.

The financial support (a scholarship and a grant covering the study cost) is terminated if a foreign student:

1. Stops his/her full-time Master degree or Integrated studies in a chosen Lithuanian higher education institution in Lithuania;
2. Does not start his/her full-time Master degree or Integrated studies in time;
3. Finishes his/her full-time Master degree or Integrated studies more than 6 days earlier than it was stated in the official document issued by a Lithuanian higher education institution;
4. Has academic debts or takes an academic leave;
5. Circumstances arise or become known due to which the scholarship and/or benefit could not be awarded;
6. Does not fulfil the requirement for learning the Lithuanian language and does not obtain the A1 level or does not take A1 level 6 credit course;
7. Violates other requirements set out in the call for applications.

Important notes and links:
• Please note that the application for the State Scholarship is a separate procedure, not having any influence on admission to full-time Master’s degree programmes at Lithuanian higher education institutions: you should apply for a full-time Master’s degree, then afterwards – for the Lithuanian State scholarship.
• Applications with the enclosed documents must be submitted only through the online application system, applications submitted in other ways (e. g. by post or by e-mail) will not be considered.
• All application documents (in any of the following formats: JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF) must be submitted by the set deadline. Please note that after the deadline, no changes are possible. Incomplete applications or applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
• The list of Lithuanian higher education institutions offering Master’s degree studies is available at https://studyin.lt/universities/

Important dates for applicants for the year 2024:

6 May 2024: Deadline to apply for the scholarship. The online application system will be closed at 4:00:00 p.m. Vilnius European time on 6 May 2024. 
1 July 2024: Notification of eligible applicants about the final results.

If you wish to apply for the Full-Time Master Degree Studies, please click on the following link:


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