Programme overview
This course is for those seeking to be a more efficient, scientific evidence-based health care specialist, able to organise and implement public health care functions and activities as well as non-formal education for children and adults. The study programme aims to educate highly qualified management specialists, who are able to manage the activities of healthcare organisations, use modern IT, analyse economic indicators of the activities of healthcare organisations, form health policy and to set strategic goals by demonstrating leadership and communication skills.
Graduates will be highly qualified management specialists able to manage the activities of healthcare organisations. Main career opportunities might be as managers, administrators, or researchers in either public, private or NGO sectors, carrying out duties in municipal health departments, educational and scientific institutions, state patient funds, or the Ministry of Health and its subordinate institutions.
Application fee: The Application fee for degree study programmes is for citizens of the EU member states or countries of the European Economic Area (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, and Azerbaijan), as well as those who have a permanent residence permit in the Republic of Lithuania: €75. For other students: €180. (Application fee is non refundable).
Online application: