

Integrated studies @ Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH)
15 Jun Application deadline
1 Sep Start date
5 years Study duration full-time
5065€ Tuition fee for Eu citizens

Programme overview

Entrance test for the programme is scheduled on 19th of April at 10 a.m. (GTM +3), 6th of June and on 13th of July.  Students must register for the test on the selected date. 
Degree Master of Arts in Architecture
Length, structure
5 years (10 semesters), internship included in the programme. Graduation is finalized with the defense of Final project
Special requirements
Main subjects Building typology, Spatial composition, Modern architecture, Interior design, Architectural graphics basics, Construction and urban planning
economy, Multistory building technical
project, Computer-aided design basics, Landscape Architecture basics, Conservation of historical heritage and regeneration.


For Architecture programme, entrance test is required (example). Foreign students can take the test online on a previously agreed time. The test is reviewed by vice dean of the faculty and programme coordinator.
Test duration is 4 hours, it consists of two tasks.
First task is architectural composition. The aim of the task is to prepare presentation of proposed design of the architectural object and its environment. Single A3 sheet of paper should be used for presentation of the project. The project should include the plan, front and side views of the object as well as perspective view of the object rendered in natural environment. Additional views or details are allowed if necessary. The test should be executed in free hand technique using graphite pencil.
Second task is free hand drawing task of proposed construction (two or three elements). A3 size paper sheet and graphite pencil use only.

Entrance test for the programme is scheduled on:

Students must register for the test on the selected date (please click on desired date for registration).

Please note, you have to submit your application and portfolio before the test.


Some key abilities that Architecture study programme helps students develop include:

  • The ability to link the resent knowledge of architectural history, theory, and other humanitarian, social and technological sciences and arts, addressing topical issues in architecture;
  • The ability to apply knowledge of building structures, engineering systems, material science in the preparation of architectural projects;
  • The ability to define architectural tasks, formulate original hypothesis, carry out studies, interpret the study results and use them to justify architectural design solutions;
  • The ability to create architecture understanding the complexity of the design, combining the aesthetic, functional, social, technical, economic, environmental and legal requirements;
  • The ability to creatively, innovatively and responsibly deal with complex architecture, urbanism, landscape and heritage policy issues and challenges shaping the physical environment in unfamiliar and constantly changing context.

Autumn Intake Deadline


Study form


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