March 2, 2023


Kaunas University of Technology offers PhD positions for highly motivated doctoral (PhD) students.

Study programme consists of:
* Total mandatory: 240 ECTS (studies: ≥40 ECTS, Artistic-creative practise: ≥80 ECTS, Research: ≥80 ECTS)
* Art project (preparation and public defence)

* Doctor Europaeus certificate possibilities
* Architectual research in a high-profile research team
* Incentives and rewards for active KTU PhD students
* Academic mobility, internships abroad
* KTU International PhD Summer School for core competences

Scholarships & Funding:
* Lithuanian state scholarships (1st year of studies 1045 Eur/month, and 2nd-4th year of studies 1210 Eur/month)
* Additional scholarships for excellent results
* Grants for doctoral studies and research
* Grants for academic mobility

Tuition fee:

0 Eur/year (state-funded)


~11589 Eur/year (self-funded)

Contact us at KTU Doctoral School: phd@ktu.lt

February 28, 2023


Studies Area: Media Arts

Study Mode: full time studies, 3 years (6 semesters, 180 ECTS)

Language of Instruction: English

Delivered at: Faculty of Arts and Education

Qualification to be Awarded: Professional Bachelor in Arts

General description: The study programme of Photography aims to promote individual humanistic orientation, aesthetic perception, critical and creative thinking, social activity, freedom of communication and responsibility, develop the professional skills of a photography specialist based on traditional, alternative, and digital photography and innovations of professional activity in the various fields of application of the art of photography, and enhance the abilities necessary for organising photographer’s activities considering the changes in the environment and perceiving the importance of lifelong learning.

December 12, 2022

Music Production

Does music constantly play in your head, perhaps even of your own creation? Are you interested in technology, and could discuss sound purity for hours on end? Then the Music Production study programme could be just what you’re looking for. Here, you will be able to prepare for a successful career in sound recording and sound design, music marketing, music technology, and related fields. You will learn to organise and successfully implement creative projects, including your own! In these studies, you will not only delve into music but also explore the relationship between sound and visuals – during the course, you will become familiar with the genre of music videos and create them yourself. And that’s not all – you will also have the opportunity to try your hand at tasks related to graphic design, photography, editing, retouching, and preparing materials for printing. So, you certainly won’t lack the technological knowledge to bring any creative idea to life!

There won’t be much need to discuss sound quality because you will be using equipment that meets the highest standards of the music industry. For your work and creativity, we will provide you with three professional sound recording studios. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to learn from music professionals and practitioners who will share their knowledge with you. One more thing – the studies are conducted in English, which not only creates an international atmosphere but also offers more opportunities for your international career and further studies. Speaking of a career – the Music Production study programme will allow you to work as an audio specialist or director, a music producer or sound artist, or engage in organisational work and management.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the Music Production study programme are successfully employed as music and sound specialists in concert agencies, festivals, recording studios, sound directors in television, radio, theatres, create business projects in the music industry, seek individual careers of a sound artist or a music producer. Competences acquired during the studies create possibilities for students to prepare for the challenges of music industry having met the highest professional standards and work successfully not only in Lithuanian but also in foreign sound recording studios and implement international projects.

April 3, 2024

Architecture, History and Theory of Arts

Open application for a highly motivated doctoral candidate in History and Theory of Arts.

The doctoral candidate position is available in the Faculty of Architecture. Applicants interested in other research topics related to the History and Theory of Arts in Humanities are also welcome to apply.

Study Programme Structure

  • Independent research under supervision;
  • Courses for PhD students (approximately 30 ECTS credits);
  • Participation in international conferences and research networks, including an international internship at other, research institutions;
  • Presentation of research results in international scientific conferences and publications of scientific journals (WOS);
  • Teaching or another form of knowledge dissemination, which is related to the PhD topic when possible;
  • The completion of a PhD thesis.

Academic requirements

  • Postgraduate diploma (or higher);
  • The entry qualification documents are accepted in the following languages: English;
  • You must take verified copies of the entry qualification documents along with you when you finally go to the university.

Scholarships and Funding

  • The state-funding or self-funded studies are available;
  • Lithuanian state scholarships for 1st year of studies 1045Eur/month, and 2nd-4th year of studies 1210 Eur/month);
  • Grants for doctoral studies and research;
  • Grants for international academic mobility.

Annual Tuition Fee

  • full-time studies – 11 837,00  (4-year);
  • part-time studies – 7 891,00  (6-year).

More information: https://vilniustech.lt/doctoralstudies/en

GET IN TOUCH at VILNIUS TECH Doctoral School: phd@vilniustech.lt

June 30, 2021

Video Production and Media

The objective of this study programme is to prepare video creators who will independently and in groups create media products using up-to-date video production principles and new media technologies as well as who will work in an innovative and responsible way in the local and international markets of audiovisual industries.

Register for a free consultation here

Apply directly here!


April 7, 2021

Визуальный дизайн

О программе

  • Исследование культурной среды и создание дизайн-проектов в Вильнюсе, Флоренции, Санкт-Петербурге, Афинах;
  • Уникальный учебный план и возможность формирования индивидуальных траекторий;
  • Проектный подход к обучению, подготовка собственных ежегодных проектов и формирование творческого портфолио;
  • Практика в анимационных студиях и дизайн-агентствах Литвы и других стран ЕС;
  • Мастер-классы под руководством профессионалов из Эстонии, Франции, Португалии, России, Литвы.

Карьерные возможности

  • Дизайнер, web-дизайнер, TV-дизайнер;
  • Художник-иллюстратор электронных и бумажных изданий;
  • Художник-аниматор 2D и 3D, 3D-художник;
  • Дизайнер интерфейсов приложений и игр;
  • Художник по концепту;
  • Арт-директор;
  • Возможность продолжения обучения в магистратурах Европы и США.

Языки преподавания

Русский и английский

April 6, 2021

Визуальная пластика

О программе

  • Знакомство с современными междисциплинарными практиками визуальных исследований
  • Изучение экспериментальных и новаторских техник в мастер-классах специалистов из Беларуси, Литвы, Франции, Эстонии, Португалии, Израиля;
  • Практические визуальные исследования в полевых школах в Вильнюсе, Санкт-Петербурге, Флоренции и Афинах;
  • Формирование творческого метода через индивидуальные проекты.

Карьерные возможности

  • Арт-директор;
  • Медиа-художник;
  • Режиссёр анимационных проектов;
  • Художник арт-концепта проекта;
  • Докторант в университетах Европы и США.

Языки преподавания

Русский и английский

March 30, 2021

Театральное искусство и актёрская игра

  • Программа, созданная при сотрудничестве с Русским драматическим театром Литвы;
  • Не имеющее аналогов сочетание русской и европейской театральной школы, их традиций и инноваций;
  • Целостный подход в освоении студентами профессиональных навыков актёрского мастерства под руководством выдающихся актёров, драматургов и режиссёров из Литвы, Беларуси и России.

Карьерные возможности:

  • Работа актёром в театре и кино;
  • Подготовка авторских театральных проектов и перфомансов;
  • Полученная квалификация является прочной основой для карьерного роста и продолжения образования в магистратурах Европы и США по широкому спектру направлений (в том числе, режиссура, драматургия, критика)

Язык преподавания


August 13, 2020

Music Studies (in Vilnius)

Music Studies is a study programme with the aim to train a music professional possessing knowledge of and skills in music history, music theory, and music technologies, as well as creative and organisational knowledge and skills, who is able to initiate, create, implement, analyse, and assess music/art projects in a variety of professional contexts.

The study programme is characterised by opportunities for the student to shape the content of their studies by choosing the subjects or their alternatives that meet the student’s needs. Also, student internationalisation is encouraged through participation in exchange programmes and studying at host institutions

Graduates are able to work in a range of cultural and educational institutions in Lithuania and abroad; initiate and carry out national and international cultural and art projects; express themselves independently in creative, artistic, scientific research and professional activities









Specializations: Electronic Music, Composition.

August 13, 2020

Music Performance (in Vilnius and Klaipėda)

The aim of  Music Performance study programme is to train a professional musician of the chosen specialisation, able to prepare and publicly perform works of various styles and genres as solo pieces or ensembles and/or orchestras of various compositions, who knows the musical repertoire of the chosen specialisation from historical and theoretical points of view and is able to communicate and cooperate as well as to develop concert activity.

The Music Performance programme is based on historically-formed music performers’ training tradition that is recognised internationally. The universal character of artistic and professional skills acquired by graduates of the LMTA Music Performance programme is confirmed by the fact that they successfully pursue their careers not only in Lithuania but also in orchestras, music theatres and other professional organisations abroad, perform concerts worldwide and successfully work as music teachers.

Specialisations in Vilnius – Accordion, Choral Conducting, Vocal Performance, Jazz, Wind Orchestra Conducting, Symphony Orchestra Conducting, Harpsichord, Lithuanian Folk Instruments, String Instruments, Wind and Percussion Instruments, Organ.

Specialisations in Klaipėda – Choral Conducting and Organ Studies, Jazz and Popular Music, Musical, String Instruments (Guitar).