Programme overview
MA Painting study programme ensures an ability to augment knowledge, independently and distinctively develop and create new knowledge. Abilities of problem solving in the second cycle are understood as sufficient awareness of wide international context in multicultural and interdisciplinary mediums. Painting programme cultivates skills of artistic research, development of concept and creative project, essentials of scientific literacy, competences of curatorial and art management.
Painting MA‘s understand specific essentials of fine art and other fields of art. Drawing on them, they deepen understanding by researching conceptual expression, art ideology, technologies and materials. Painting MA‘s are able to define, explain, illustrate, portray, paraphrase, interpret. They understand the most recent art concepts and theories.
Painting MA‘s innovatively apply skills and knowledge from the first cycle, in creative projects they demonstrate abilities to apply contemporary techniques and technologies, to evaluate them critically. They apply skills of interdisciplinary practice, ability to work in a team and supervise it. Painting MA‘s creatively and independently evaluate specific theoretical and practical „reports“, are able to apply them individually. They do research through experimenting, are not afraid of mistakes.
Analytical abilities are cultivated, content of analysis is scrutinized, skills of observation and research are fostered, they are supported by methods of artistic research as well as methodology of scientific research.
MA‘s are able to demonstrate theoretical and practical concepts more originally and individually (than in the first cycle), create them more freely and independently, to synthesize subject reports by bringing in strong innovations into the subject of painting or its interdisciplinary development. Painting MA‘s develop painting specializations or parts of them, while remaining professional experimenting and competent art practitioners as well as persuasively argumenting experts.
Painting MA‘s are able to independently and responsibly form evaluation attitudes, ensuring awareness in broad processes of contemporary art. Abilities to recognize artworks when having limited or incomplete information are cultivated, as well as abilities to present them while evaluating, reasonably ground evaluations, defend recommendations.