Programme overview
Degree | Bachelor of Social Sciences in Economics |
Length, structure |
4 years (8 semesters), internship included in the programme. Graduation is finalized with the defense of Final thesis
Specializations | Investment Economics, International Economics Relations |
Main subjects | Economic theory, Economic governance, E. business, E. logistics, E. Marketing, Innovative business Investment, Personal financial economics, Financial decisions, The financial market, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Public finance. |
The progamme is focused on preparing professionals who are able to integrate and apply complexly the knowledge of economic theories, management of economical processes and economical engineering, covering both the economy and other fields of social life, science and technology progress; characterized with bright inter-directional and inter-discipline competencies, which enable to use integrally advanced achievements of engineering sciences for the economical knowledge and solution of economic problems and to assess adequately the technological, ecological, social, cultural and other circumstances resident in modern economic development.
- Ranked among the world’s TOP 201-250 universities in Economics and Econometrics by „QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018“
- Internationally recognized degree.
- Students are trained to work in the Industry 4 and Disruptive Innovation environment.
- Students are focused to the Chinese (Southeast Asia) and Nordic region markets (get Chinese and Norwegian language skills).
- Possibility to get a double degree from Kyungpook National University, South Korea.
- Small class size ensuring a focused learning environment and high degree of interaction.
- Students have an opportunity to take internship in international and foreign capital companies located in Vilnius.
- Students are trained to work in international companies, foreign capital companies, and foreign trade.
- Graduates can participate in an extra internship (after graduation) according to Erasmus+ program in a European country
- Graduates can continue their studies in master’s degree.
- Theories of fundamental world-view and humanitarian sciences use them to know and evaluate comprehensively and with systematic approach economical, scientific and technological progress phenomena.
- Categories, principles and methods of economic theories and economical engineering, supplemented with the fundamental knowledge of adjacent sciences and possibilities of innovative practical research methods to make the assumptions and solve economic problems practically.
- The innovative processes and e-business as the economic factors of business efficiency, which require non-traditional resources and accessibility of conditions, along with its own value creation and risk management laws, guaranteeing the strengthening of business competitiveness and the success of all economical process.
International Economic Relations specialization studies examine global market and globalization issues have a great impact on Lithuania. With the elimination of economic barriers, international relations play a crucial part in global economy, while Lithuania, as a small open economy, in one way or the other, is closely related with global economies and markets.
Investment Economics specialization studies provide knowledge about financial risks management, financial institutions activities, public and private finance, taxation, investment possibilities.
Autumn Intake Deadline