Programme overview
The study programme is aimed at preparing highly qualified specialists of cadastral measurements and real estate valuation, who would gain knowledge and skills of identifying and specifying cadastral data of land parcels, buildings, engineering structures and forests as well as valuating real estate.
Acquired competencies
After completing the study programme of Cadastral Measurements and Real Estate Valuation, a student gains professional competence, which allows him/her to:
- conduct cadastral measurements of real estate objects,
- arrange documents for real property transactions and legally register them,
- form and rearrange land parcels,
- compile plans and cadastral maps of various purposes,
- store, systematize, analyse the data concerning real estate objects.
Programme branches:
- Real estate cadastre
- Real estate formation and valuation
Professional perspectives
The graduates can work in different companies, offices and organizations carrying out activities related to cadastral measurements, geodesy, cartography, real estate valuation, territorial planning : State Enterprise “Centre of Registers”, JSC “Aerogeodesy Institute”, State Enterprise “State Land Fund”, National Land Service and its territorial departments as well as enterprises carrying out cadastral measurements of real property objects and real estate valuation.