December 14, 2023

Marketing Technologies

The study programme is aimed at preparing qualified information technology (IT) specialists who have fundamental knowledge in the areas of design and management of information systems and are able to create and implement electronic marketing solutions based on the application of information and communication technologies.

Vilnius University

Why choose this programme?

  • The interdisciplinary study programme combines knowledge of information technology and marketing.
  • The programme content includes knowledge of the MarTech industry, e-marketing, content marketing, technology innovation management, big data analytics, IoT, and digital brand management.
  • The theoretical and practical knowledge is provided in a balanced way, the programme provides the possibility to implement projects that comply with the Martech concept, develop the ability to identify consumer needs, effectively analyse data flows and solve challenges in the field of e-marketing.
  • The team of lecturers includes not only academics but also highly experienced social partners from IT and MarTech companies.
  • IT knowledge and skills are the basis for the MarTech sector’s “remote workplace” career opportunities around the world.

What comes after?

Graduates of the Marketing Technologies study programme will be qualified for jobs in:

  • managing digital information on the Internet,
  • managing mobile media and social networks,
  • analysing internet user data,
  • analysing and designing enterprise information systems,
  • creating and implementing efficient solutions in the areas of specialized internet advertising,
  • managing projects in large, medium and small enterprises and public enterprises,
  • developing innovative marketing models in startup companies.

They will be able to pursue a career in enterprises that operate:

  • in the areas of digital marketing,
  • Internet communication,
  • in electronic sales,
  • marketing departments,
  • advertising agencies,
  • news media and technology companies,
  • international internet content providers and distributors,
  • companies providing marketing analytics services.


December 14, 2023


The programme aims to prepare competent nurses with the knowledge, skills and abilities of nursing science and practice who can develop and improve professional, leadership, and teamwork competencies in pursuit of individual, family, community and public health. Upon completion of the four-year bachelor’s degree in nursing, graduates will obtain a university bachelor’s degree and a professional qualification as a general practice nurse.

Why choose this programme?

  • The programme incorporates the classical teaching model to ensure you develop a firm foundation in basic science before entering the clinical field.
  • A unique opportunity to practice in one of the six largest Lithuanian hospitals and benefit from early interaction with patients.
  • Integrated internships.

What comes after?

  • A graduate in nursing can work in hospitals, clinics, or private health care centres. They can also mentor nursing students or start their own practice within the laws of Lithuania.
  • Students with a bachelor’s degree can continue their studies in Lithuanian and foreign higher education institutions according to university second-cycle (master’s) study programs of the same study group.
April 26, 2023

GOvernance and Administration of Leisure and sports

Information about the GOvernance and Administration of Leisure and sports can be found on the programme website.

April 26, 2023

Project Management

The objective of the program is to prepare highly qualified project management professionals and leaders who possess competencies in project planning and implementation, attracting and effectively managing financial and human resources, ensuring project quality control, and managing risk. It also aims to develop leaders capable of implementing innovations in their work and engaging in research in the field of project management.

These second-level studies are developed in collaboration with partners such as the IT company “DXC Technology,” which shares its practical knowledge, insights, and experience from ongoing and completed projects, presenting their success stories and challenges. The Master’s program in Project Management provides an opportunity to enhance existing leadership and management skills for current organizational managers and leaders who have general management knowledge and experience but seek to learn and apply the latest trends in project management and effective management practices in contemporary technology and business domains. The study subjects are designed in accordance with the competencies outlined in PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge 6), PRINCE2, and AGILE, which are necessary for project managers working in the international market. Upon completion of the program, you will be prepared to obtain the PMI certification (PMP – Project Management Professional).

April 26, 2023

Digital Media Design

Digital Media Design is a transdisciplinary programme (specialty) that teaches the students high-level industry production skills fundamentally based on Coding, UI/UX Design, Creative Design Content Practices, 3D Modeling, Service Design, Design Entrepreneurship and implementation of different types of technologies. The learning goal of the program (specialty) is to build the fundamental competences for the creation of complex in Digital Media area. Students learn to make Interactive and Virtual Reality experiences that integrate Technologies, Design and Business, Mobile Applications for the creative content, games, websites and etc.

The learning goal of the programme (specialty) is to build the fundamental competences for the creation of complex in Digital Media area. Students learn to make Interactive and Virtual Reality experiences that integrate Technologies, Design and Business, Mobile Applications for the creative content, games, websites and etc.

Main Programme Features:

  • Visual (Content) Communication by implementing different informatics and technology based solution;
  • Service Design and Creative Design practices, its convergence with digitally developed contents by using technology means;
  • Game Development basing on the content and digital design solutions;
  • Digital Animation basing on the content and digital design solutions;
  • Design Entrepreneurship.
April 25, 2023

Automotive Electronics Systems

About the Program

The aims of the study program Automotive Electronics System are: to train qualified electronics engineering specialists in the transport sector, providing them with the knowledge, abilities and skills needed to professionally maintain, diagnose, repair, design and install automotive electronics systems that are constantly being improved and are widely used in the global market, to create and manage companies providing services mentioned above in the Republic of Lithuania and other countries.

Future Prospects

After the studies the graduates will be able to work as an automobile electronics systems specialist in various vehicle repair companies, as a designer in automobile electronics systems design and manufacturing companies, as a specialist in automobile electronics systems for vehicle and component trade organizations, as an automobile electronics system specialist in vehicle equipment sales and maintenance companies, manage his/her own business.

Qualification Degree to be awarded: Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences

Learning outcomes

Upon graduation the students will be able: to professionally design automobile electronics systems; to install, maintain and repair automobile electronics systems; to manage the companies providing these services; to plan the activities of a company (division) and analyze the results of the activities of a company (division); to solve engineering tasks, create models for solving these tasks and analyze their characteristics; to evaluate engineering solutions from ethical, social, economic and safety aspects; to organize and perform diagnostics, maintenance and elimination of faults in automobile electrical and electronics systems based on the knowledge of electromechanics, electrical, electronics and automation devices structure, their operating principles and parameter setting; to select devices for automobile electronics systems and their characteristics; to diagnose failures of automobile electrical and electronics systems, determine their causes, select and use modern diagnostic and measuring devices for troubleshooting; to combine and regulate the indicators of electronics control equipment, the main technical parameters of automobiles, performance characteristics, calculate the main technical parameters of automobile units; to apply the principles of internal and external diagnostics of comfort and safety systems; to analyze and evaluate the types of alternative energy storage sources, technologies and characteristics of their use and perform the necessary technical and economic calculations; to perform harmonization and regulation of electronics systems; to find power supply failures, their causes, select measuring devices, analyze structural and principal schemes; to know electrical and electronics circuits, their operating principles and selection of work models; to know the specifics of adjacent engineering fields, which will help to assess the problems of electronics engineering from a broader perspective; to participate in teamwork, communicate effectively and responsibly.

April 25, 2023

Information Systems Engineering

About the Program

Aims of the study programme: – to train a personality, that would be able to compete in the market of rapidly changing technologies, products or services, to apply the informatics and electronic methods, engineering principles and technologies in order to design, implement, support, develop, inspect and assess secure computer systems and networks that may be used to solve relevant problems of different professional activities

Future Prospects

Graduates of computing must be ready to work as administrators, architects, analysts, quality assurance specialists, consultants of information and communication technologies (ICT), managers of ICT product, service or project, and other professionals in the ICT area working individually, in private, public and non-governmental sectors, or they can continue studies in the third cycle.

Qualification Degree to be awarded: Professional Bachelor of Computing

Learning outcomes

  • To explain the essential facts, concepts, theories, and mathematical methods relevant to operation of computers, their hardware and software, its characteristics and practical application possibilities, computer communication and applied solutions related to important historical, current and possible future trends in computer sciences.
  • To explain the principles of algorithm construction and analysis, programming paradigms, languages and technologies, principles of human-computer interaction, typical stages of software life-cycle, and methods of software development and maintenance.
  • To explain how commercial, industrial, economic and social contexts affect professional practice defined by ethical norms and regulated by legal requirements, including data protection, intellectual property rights, contracts, safety of products, responsibility and other related issues.
  • To apply knowledge in the group of study fields of computing for development of applied informatics solutions of particular professional problems that meet security and other relevant quality criteria.
  • To explain the methods, how to create computer and other specialised digital equipment, its construction and operation principles, and application to solve particular tasks.
March 9, 2023

Mathematics of Modern Technologies


Degree Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences
Length, structure
4 years (8 semesters), internship included in the programme. Graduation is finalized with the defense of Final project
Tuition fee for non EU citizens
4050 EUR per year
For EU citizens same prices as for local students apply, for details click here.
Start 1st of September
Main subjects Discrete Mathematics, Big Data, Insurance, Databases, Project Management, Decision Making, Machine Learning, Digital Image Algebra, Financial Engineering and Modelling, Computing, Optimization Methods.


We will not surprise anyone when we say that we use various smart devices or come across digital products every day, maybe we have even heard something about digital currencies. You can only be surprised by the fact that all this is related to mathematics in one way or another. The math behind today’s products isn’t terribly complicated once you get the hang of it. It is like the language of modern technology. We all know the alphabet of this language, but not all of us can create new digital products, ensure the safe and perfect operation of new systems.
If you want to change the world and be not only a user, but also a developer of new safe products, associate your activities with the management, processing and analysis of large flows of information, or maybe you are interested in the possibilities of artificial intelligence, then mathematics of modern technologies will open the door to these activities for you. Here you will find a friendly community that will be ready to help you and all the conditions to realize yourself.


After completion of Mathematics of Modern Technologies first cycle study programme you will be able to apply knowledge to develop new high-tech-based products and services, based on the application of mathematics in different fields of life. You will know general laws of mathematics and informatics, develop your logical thinking, and will be able to work individually and in a team.


You will have plenty of opportunities to apply and diversity your skills through graduate projects, internships, career programmes, clubs and societies.


The programme of Mathematics of Modern Technologies aims to prepare high-level professionals who are not only experts of classical mathematics, but are also capable of applying several fields of science at once. Graduates transform their acquired knowledge and understand the application of mathematics in various fields of life including the financial sector, activities of insurance companies, electronics, medicine, information technology, service and other fields. Acquired education will present you with different possibilities. Independent, pro-innovation personalities are always desirable in various companies and institutions.

We believe that graduates of this study programme have advantages in the labour market as they do have a wide range vision and are acquainted with various products. Deep knowledge of mathematics and logical analytical thinking will allow one to transform knowledge of different fields in search of new technological solutions, development of new services, forecasting and assessing market situation. As the programme of Mathematics of Modern Technologies is prepared in cooperation with social partners, it is estimated that partner companies could employ a portion of the study programme graduates each year.

September 2, 2022

Marketing and Integrated Communication

Marketing and Integrated Communication programme develop specialists up to the highest professional standards and capable of:

  • analysing market situation
  • planning and implementing relevant strategies of marketing and communication.

The programme offers a double-degree possibility for the best students at Naples Parthenope University in Italy; similar agreements with other universities are in the process of negotiation.

Why this programme?

  • This programme is one of the most popular Master’s programmes among international applicants.
  • Students and graduates emphasize the opportunity to develop numerous international contacts and experiences for classes that attract numerous exchange students and typically include representatives from about ten countries.
  • In addition, the students are very positive about the possibility of combining their studies with work or going on ERASMUS study exchanges and internships.

What’s after?

  • A graduate is able to analyse market trends and parameters of consumer behaviour on the basis of relevant theoretical and practical information and with the use of adequate methodologies.
  • Acquired level of knowledge and skills allow participating actively in the development and implementation of marketing strategies.
  • Acquired skills and competencies allow a graduate successfully work in the marketing and communication departments of business companies and other organizations.
  • A graduate can successfully work in marketing, advertising, public relations and communication agencies, consulting firms and market research companies in various countries.
  • Vilnius University created opportunities for students interested in continuing their education to enter doctoral studies, which are available in the English language; the best of our graduates might be offered employment at the university.

“Studying in Marketing and Integrated Communication, a Master’s degree programme, at Vilnius University was an extremely significant experience for my personal and professional development. It helped me to broaden my intellectual abilities and shaped my views by getting high-quality international education.”

Lasha Mironidze, a graduate from Georgia

June 20, 2022

Law and Global Security

Global challenges, like cyberattacks, money laundering, human rights violations and terrorism are on the rise. People’s lives are affected by global and national insecurity. Law plays an increasingly important role in addressing the dangers caused by global challenges.

This programme focusses on the use of law in personal, national, and global security. It teaches students how to fact find, conduct research, strategically negotiate and lead when it comes to addressing international security matters. It looks at how the world has been changed by geopolitics, the pandemic, rising energy and food prices and technology, and how the law can be used to resolve these issues.

Specialists in law and global security are in demand across the world. Institutions such as the United Nations, the European Union, the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, NATO, and others require people who have strong legal skills in the international environment.

Graduates of this programme can look widely for roles in international and national institutions, dealing with national and global security issues, both in the public and private sectors, especially those concerned with human rights, compliance, anti-money laundering issues, energy and other forms of security.