December 12, 2022

Accounting and Finance / Учет и Финансы (in Russian/English)

The traditional image of Accounting and Finance is a thing of the past! Creative, digitised accounting, sustainable finance management, tax optimisation, organisational value creation, risk management, and assessment of future opportunities all become the work of highly qualified accounting and finance professionals! All of this is offered by the interdisciplinary Accounting and Finance study programme. Equipped with knowledge of national and international accounting standards and principles of financial management, graduates of this programme are able to manage accounting and financial processes, identify new facts and problem areas in accounting and finance and select appropriate problem-solving methods, analyse and forecast an organisation’s finances and evaluate its future prospects, and to assist the organisation’s manager in making informed decisions. Choose precision and learn the modern language of numbers in business!

Why to choose this programme?

• Accounting is a business language, that helps to understand the meaning of numbers and the significant processes that takes place in any company
• Programme prepares highly qualified, innovative financiers that operates creative, digitized accounting, sustainable (green) financial management, tax optimization, organizational value creation, risk management and assessment of future opportunities
• You will be prepared for managing both – accounting and finances
• You will be able to help the managers of the biggest companies to make the right decisions how successfully manage the business
• Every business needs its professional accountant – you will have wide job opportunities and a possibility to choose whether you want to lead a company or manage your own business

Language of instruction: First study year is taught in Russian, from the second-year language of instruction is English.

Career opportunities

Graduates will be able to work as leading specialists in the field of accounting, financial analysts, financial managers, internal auditors in national and international business enterprises, public sector organizations, audit firms, tax, insurance, control, and consulting institutions, financial institutions. They can also independently provide accounting, tax, and consulting services. Graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in the master’s programs of accounting, finance, economics, management and business administration, and other social sciences.

December 6, 2022

Logistics and Commerce

You probably know that logistics and commerce are instrumental in overcoming business stagnation and crises worldwide. It is a promising industry and service sector that adapts to geopolitical shifts and makes continuous progress. There is a growing demand for professionals who can develop and efficiently manage smart and environmentally sustainable logistics operations, use cutting-edge sales techniques, work with IT applications in logistics and commerce companies, develop competitive and socially responsible businesses in national and international markets, and create and develop their own e-businesses. As long as commerce exists, the need for logistics will persist, and having expertise in both areas is simply perfect! Choose dynamics and pursue a career in the rapidly evolving logistics and commerce sector!

Why Logistics and Commerce programme?

• Logistics and commerce create the comfort of today’s society
• Transport systems connect the whole World – logistics specialists. are needed everywhere, where are transport operations (transportation of goods)
• With the strong knowledge and wide approach, you will become a highly demanded specialist with job opportunities in the biggest logistics and commerce companies
• You will be able to work in domestic or international companies
• You will get the knowledge of economics, management, and entrepreneurship, so you’ll become a professional in the biggest companies, create your own successful business or continue your studies on the MSc level.

Career opportunities

Having completed the study programme of Logistics and Commerce and gained the qualification degree of Bachelor in Business Management, graduates will be able to work as logistics, supply management, transportation, warehousing and transhipment service companies as the coordinators of logistics, intermediaries, representatives, administrators at the logistics, supply management, transportation, warehousing, and transhipment companies of Lithuania, 3PL (third-party logistics model), 4PL (fourth-party logistics model) organizations, agricultural supply and logistics companies, and organizations coordinating these activities, companies operating in procurement of agricultural raw materials, processing and trade thereof, agricultural and logistic facilities, retail sector, and shipment networks, as well as develop own business in logistics and commerce. Upon successful completion, the graduates could continue the second cycle studies in the fields of business and management at Vytautas Magnus University or other Lithuanian and foreign universities.

December 6, 2022

Business Logistics

With the intensive development of international relations and rapid innovation exchange, logistics solutions and the expansion of logistics companies become particularly important in the exchange of goods and services. In Lithuania, the field of logistics occupies a significant part of the economy. Lithuanian carriers and freight forwarders are known and valued far beyond Lithuania’s borders. Large-scale projects are being implemented in Lithuania to strengthen the country’s logistics potential and opportunities. Competent logistics managers are needed to coordinate business activities and projects in the bioeconomy sector. The goal of the study program is to train business logistics specialists capable of creatively applying the results of fundamental and applied scientific research in making and implementing innovative solutions for the improvement and development of the bioeconomy sector and business logistics, especially in rapidly changing business environments. Upon completing this program, graduates will be able to start their own businesses and work as logistics department managers, responsible for managing logistical processes of business enterprises, encompassing both the movement of material goods and related information flows.

Career opportunities

The Program Graduates will be able to work as Heads of Logistics Departments of Business Enterprises in the Bioeconomy Sector, Heads of Logistics Service Providers and their Departments, Logistics Managers of other spheres, Logistics Consultants and Specialists of Logistics Associations, Logistics Consultants and Specialists of other Business Associations. The Program Graduates will be empowered to start and develop a logistics services business nationally and internationally. The Graduates have an opportunity to pursue doctoral studies and obtain a doctorate in social sciences after 4 years of full-time or 6 years of part-time study.

September 2, 2022

Finance and Banking

This programme is among the most popular Master’s programmes among study candidates. The programme received a positive evaluation from the international accreditation experts’ team and is affiliated with Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) programme.

The principal objectives of the programme are as follows:

  • Critically evaluate economic and financial theories and research methods;
  • Provide sufficient knowledge needed for analysis of financial problems at a macroeconomic level and decision-making at the highest financial management level;
  • Introduce the role, development, aims, and objectives of international financial institutions and global financial markets;
  •  Provide theoretical and practical knowledge needed for improvement of the budgetary system and taxation policy in the face of national and global economic changes;
  • Provide scientific and methodological knowledge needed for financial analysis of an independent organization and financial risk assessment and management while taking into account macro and micro environmental changes.
  •  Introduce to the main topics of CFA Institute material and prepare students for CFA exams.

Why this programme?

  • This programme is affiliated as Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) programme, lecturers having professional experience in their fields.

What’s after?

  • A graduate can be employed as a specialist at various financial institutions, such as the Ministry of Finance, finance and tax analyst at enterprises, organizations, and public and private companies such as Western Union, AIG, the NASDAQ and many others.
  • After successful completion of studies in English graduates of the programme have a competitive advantage in developing their careers. The programme brings theory into practice and helps to prepare students to receive the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation.
  • Vilnius University created opportunities for students interested in continuing their education to enter the doctoral studies, which are available in the English language; the best of our graduates might be offered employment at the university.


March 23, 2022

Business Leadership


Degree Master of Business Management
Length, structure 1,5 years (3 semesters) graduation is finalized with the defense of Final project

Detailed curricula 

Entry Requirements To this programme applicants are accepted from all fields of studies without special background in Business or Management.


To train Master’s degree holders in management, who are able to creatively apply a novel knowledge of engineering economics and management thus seeking to effectively manage economical and managerial processes in the changing environment, to create value for consumers and to be ready for implementation of scientific research and self-improvement throughout lifelong learning.


  • To know contemporary management and leadership theories; the ability to apply them to innovative business decisions and implement it by mobilizing groups adapting to fast-changing conditions of the global environment
  • The ability to apply knowledge of modern entrepreneurship, learning organization and leadership in the context of sustainable development creating conditions for employees to reveal initiative and creativeness; the ability to prepare innovative business decisions and implement them while competing with the exceptional potential of the leader.
  • The ability to plan and execute applied research on business reasoning, development, and organisation integrating modern management theories and main professional skills by choosing the most suitable leadership model in the dynamic, uncertain business environment
  • The ability to convey scientifically based knowledge to business experts, and similar, systematically transmit evaluation results, while having critically and complexly assessed the quality of economic and business management results using the principles of professional ethics; the ability to formulate and submit socially responsible offers
March 23, 2022

Transport Logistics

One and a half year long (3 semesters) master’s degree programme.


Degree Master of Business Management
Length, structure 1,5 years (3 semesters) graduation is finalized with the defense of Final project

Detailed curricula 

Entry Requirements To this programme applicants are accepted from the fields of: Logistics, Business Logistics, Business Administration, Transport Management, Business Management.


The aim of the programme is to prepare and educate a professional of transport management and logistics – Master of Business Management, who would be able to evaluate the economic operations and events of transport management and logistics, analyse and present the information, plan and carry out scientific research in the field of transport and logistics, competently assess their results and apply them in practice, make independent decisions related to the management of processes of transport and logistics, hold a managing position in various business companies and state institutions; graduates will be able to reason creatively and critically, as well as maintain their professional competencies obtained at the university or scientific research institutions and learn independently throughout life.
December 29, 2021

Gender Studies

The program aims to prepare highly qualified sociologists with critical analysis, scientific and practical work skills, who are able to systematically analyze relevant societal phenomena and challenges related to gender categories established in social relations and institutes; to prepare and implement sociological research projects in accordance to the research ethics; to propose possible solutions to social problems related to gender norms on the basis of the results of sociological research; to work in a multicultural environment, to plan independently and to pursue a professional career.

Distinctive features of the program:

  • The only full-fledged Master’s Degree program in Gender Studies in Lithuania and Belarus;
  • The program is based on more than 20-year-old tradition in the field of gender studies of EHU;
  • The program is prepared on the basis of experience of Western universities and the relevant research and pedagogical potential of European Humanities University as well as invited foreign experts;
  • All courses are taught in English;
  • Blended learning format, combining full-time education in Vilnius and distance learning;
  • Unique teaching staff, including highly qualified and experienced specialists in the field of gender studies;
  • Combination of theory and practice, research and projects’ activities focused on gender dimension;
  • Emphasis on development of the research skills of students;
  • The interdisciplinary approach that provides students with a solid knowledge of gender dimension in such fields as law, political sciences, etc.

Career opportunities:

  • sociologists;
  • consultants;
  • analysts at national and international research centers;
  • professionals in gender studies;
  • employees of governmental and non-governmental organizations;
  • employees of personnel services and agencies, media agencies, educational institutions, etc.

Language of instruction

  • English
April 6, 2021

Визуальная пластика

О программе

  • Знакомство с современными междисциплинарными практиками визуальных исследований
  • Изучение экспериментальных и новаторских техник в мастер-классах специалистов из Беларуси, Литвы, Франции, Эстонии, Португалии, Израиля;
  • Практические визуальные исследования в полевых школах в Вильнюсе, Санкт-Петербурге, Флоренции и Афинах;
  • Формирование творческого метода через индивидуальные проекты.

Карьерные возможности

  • Арт-директор;
  • Медиа-художник;
  • Режиссёр анимационных проектов;
  • Художник арт-концепта проекта;
  • Докторант в университетах Европы и США.

Языки преподавания

Русский и английский

April 2, 2021

Развитие культурного наследия

Программа разработана и реализуется Департаментом гуманитарных наук и искусств с 2019 года с учетом опыта реализации предшествующих магистерских программ («Охрана и интерпретация культурного наследия», «Историческое и культурное наследие») и актуальных европейских тенденций развития сферы культуры и творчества.

  • ориентированность программы на подготовку квалифицированного специалиста по разработке наукоемких инновационных продуктов с использованием потенциала культурного наследия;
  • уникальный учебный план, предусматривающий возможность развитие потенциала и углубленной специализации;
  • освоение передовых международно признанных методологий научно-исследовательской и практической деятельности;
  • два языка преподавания — английский и русский;
  • возможность участия в международных программах студенческого обмена – Erasmus+, Германская служба академических обменов (DAAD), Bard College Network (США) и других

Карьерные возможности

  • Квалифицированный сотрудник или эксперт/независимый консультант международных, государственных и негосударственных структур, осуществляющих управление, коммерческую, некоммерческую и исследовательскую деятельность, ориентированную на объекты культурного наследия;
  • Профессиональная деятельность на старших и руководящих должностях, в качестве ответственного исполнителя, координатора, руководителя, представителя заказчика, финансирующей организации или эксперта/консультанта;
  • Создание стартапов, организация и руководство собственным бизнесом;
  • Полученная квалификация является прочной основой для карьерного роста и продолжения образования в докторантуре и дополнительной специализации в магистратуре европейских и американских университетов по широкому спектру направлений.

Языки преподавания

Русский и английский

April 2, 2021

Публичная политика

Цель магистерской программы «Публичная политика» – подготовка специалистов в области государственного управления, менеджмента в сфере гражданского общества, а также для профессиональной деятельности в международных и региональных общественных организациях.

Магистерская программа «Публичная политика» была разработана совместно с факультетом публичного администрирования Лейденского университета (Нидерланды), который является одним из ведущих европейских центров по подготовке профессионалов в области публичной политики и администрирования; и Нидерландским институтом государственного управления ROI, предлагающим инновационные программы обучения по месту работы для государственных служащих.

Выпускники программы получают качественные навыки:

  • понимания специфики публичной политики, актуальных практик государственного управления и систем государственной службы
  • анализа, разработки и реализации публичной политики, общественных программ и проектов
  • процедур и эффективных практик принятия политических решений
  • диагностики и анализа социально-экономических проблем развития общества
  • использования современного инструментария политического анализа и технологий политического менеджмента
  • организации общественного диалога, знания видов участия общественных организаций и граждан в формировании публичной политики, включая партнерство государственного и частного сектора

Карьерные возможности

  • аналитики национальных и международных исследовательских центров
  • профессионалы в области государственного управления
  • сотрудники и менеджеры международных организаций
  • политические аналитики и консультанты
  • менеджеры проектов и PR-менеджеры
  • политические обозреватели, журналисты
  • сотрудники неправительственных организаций и политических партий
  • продолжение обучения в докторантуре университетов Европы и США.

Языки преподавания

Русский и английский