April 25, 2023

Information Systems Engineering

About the Program

Aims of the study programme: – to train a personality, that would be able to compete in the market of rapidly changing technologies, products or services, to apply the informatics and electronic methods, engineering principles and technologies in order to design, implement, support, develop, inspect and assess secure computer systems and networks that may be used to solve relevant problems of different professional activities

Future Prospects

Graduates of computing must be ready to work as administrators, architects, analysts, quality assurance specialists, consultants of information and communication technologies (ICT), managers of ICT product, service or project, and other professionals in the ICT area working individually, in private, public and non-governmental sectors, or they can continue studies in the third cycle.

Qualification Degree to be awarded: Professional Bachelor of Computing

Learning outcomes

  • To explain the essential facts, concepts, theories, and mathematical methods relevant to operation of computers, their hardware and software, its characteristics and practical application possibilities, computer communication and applied solutions related to important historical, current and possible future trends in computer sciences.
  • To explain the principles of algorithm construction and analysis, programming paradigms, languages and technologies, principles of human-computer interaction, typical stages of software life-cycle, and methods of software development and maintenance.
  • To explain how commercial, industrial, economic and social contexts affect professional practice defined by ethical norms and regulated by legal requirements, including data protection, intellectual property rights, contracts, safety of products, responsibility and other related issues.
  • To apply knowledge in the group of study fields of computing for development of applied informatics solutions of particular professional problems that meet security and other relevant quality criteria.
  • To explain the methods, how to create computer and other specialised digital equipment, its construction and operation principles, and application to solve particular tasks.
February 28, 2023


Studies Area: Media Arts

Study Mode: full time studies, 3 years (6 semesters, 180 ECTS)

Language of Instruction: English

Delivered at: Faculty of Arts and Education

Qualification to be Awarded: Professional Bachelor in Arts

General description: The study programme of Photography aims to promote individual humanistic orientation, aesthetic perception, critical and creative thinking, social activity, freedom of communication and responsibility, develop the professional skills of a photography specialist based on traditional, alternative, and digital photography and innovations of professional activity in the various fields of application of the art of photography, and enhance the abilities necessary for organising photographer’s activities considering the changes in the environment and perceiving the importance of lifelong learning.

January 16, 2023


Did you know that Design is one of the most versatile activities and an industry with great potential? Design studies at SMK combine design and management competencies. Here you will study the needs of customers, create products for them and learn to turn these products into reality.

Register for a free consultation here

Apply directly here!


July 15, 2022

Aesthetic Cosmetology

Aesthetic cosmetology studies – a possibility for you to start your career in a growing and constantly renewing industry of beauty services. The studies will grant a set of practical skills as well as it will help to cherish aesthetics and beauty and spread it to others.

Apply directly here!

May 5, 2022

Construction / Строительство

Любишь быстрый результат работы, мыслишь творчески, умеешь общаться, тебе хорошо даются точные науки? Выиграешь, если выберешь программу Строительство. На международном уровне признанная, классическая программа обучения, выделяющаяся исключительно современной базой обучения, предлагает возможность стать квалифицированным инженером строительных конструкций, который легко найдёт работу в любой точке мира.

Академическая степень
рофессиональный бакалавр инженерии

Форма и срок обучения
обучение 3 года,
4 года

Направление обучения

Язык обучения
Русский язык

Объем обучения в кредитах
180 кредитов (ECTS)

Цена обучения за год
Дневное обучение – 3300 евро, заочное обучение – 2475 евро

Возможности карьеры
Выпускники работают в фирмах архитектурностроительного проектирования, на государственных и частных предприятиях, в закрытых акционерных обществах руководителями строительства, сметчиками, открывают персональные предприятия, продолжают обучение в университетах

Дополнительная информация. 


April 28, 2022

Digital Business

According to the latest estimates, digital business will account for nearly 25% of the global economy by 2025, bringing the segment’s total value to approximately $23 trillion. The much talked-about digital transformation of the private and public sectors was gaining steam even before the current pandemic, with employers increasingly preferring candidates with knowledge of IT, software and web development, data analysis, and related fields. As the reliance of business on digital technologies keeps growing, programme graduates will have ample opportunity to work in many diverse fields, ranging from marketing and product management to e-preneurship and web development. Learn digital business in one of the top Lithuanian colleges that provides an excellent opportunity to study in Lithuania in English!

What you’ll learn: 

The digital business programme is unique, bearing only a superficial similarity to other business-related study programmes. During your studies at the Vilnius Business College (VBC) you’ll learn about consumer behaviour and decision-making, how to create and manage online businesses, gain knowledge of applied IT, business strategy and innovation, marketing, and much more.

Study courses include extensive training in the following:

  • Google communications suite (Gmail, Docs, Drive, and Calendar)
  • Microsoft Office 365 tools (Word, Excel, Teams, Outlook, and OneDrive)
  • Video conferencing software (Slack or Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Google Chat, LumApps, and others)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Supply Chain Management software
  • Digital project management tools (Jira, Trello, Monday, Asana, and others)
  • Finance and accounting software (Sage, NepSuite, and others

Aim of the Programme:

We aim to give our students everything they could possibly need in making ideas a reality. Graduates will have extensive knowledge of the economy, process and resource management, digital technology, and socioeconomic problems and opportunities relevant to employers, organisations, and society. The programme is based on interdisciplinary and Project-Based Learning methods that prioritise digital business, business modelling, project development, and learning-by-doing.


February 9, 2022

Administration of Institutions and Companies

Study Administration of Institutions and Companies at KVK!

During the studies, theoretical knowledge of the field of management studies is provided, practical skills necessary for the work of an administrator and a manager in a company are formed.

Graduates will be able to carry out work in the fields of information and document management: to administrate and coordinate company, institution (subdivision) activities; create staff motivation systems and image administrate material and financial resources. The graduates of this study program can work in different types of business enterprises, state and public institutions.

February 9, 2022

Social Work

Study Social Work at KVK!

Social work is one of the youngest specialties in the world, counting only 100 years of existence. And in Lithuania, this specialty has been known and practiced for just over 20 years. To study social work should choose those who want to aquired specialty which will not allow them to feel routine in their daily work, because every working day will be different. Challenges await the social worker, new opportunities for self-expression, development of working methods and forms, establishment of new relationships with those who ask for help and want to help them. Each day is marked by a desire to work with all professions for the noble goal of helping. While working in social work, one can experience fullness, feel the meaning of life and, most importantly, feel needed, because the most important thing in this work is the opportunity to help the weakest members of society in every possible way.

January 6, 2022

General Practice Nursing

The General Practice Nursing study programme is science and evidence-based practice teaching.

The trained nursing specialist will have a deeply holistic approach to health, will be able to provide safe, high-quality services to society, apply modern technologies in professional activities, and help clients to form positive attitudes to improving health and quality of life.

The goal of the General Practice Nursing programme is not only to provide care for sick patients and prevent the progression of disease but also to take care of public health promotion.

Register for a free consultation here

Apply directly here!