
Kolpingo kolegija / Kolping Higher Education Institution

Located in downtown Kaunas, the Kolping University of Applied Sciences (KUAS) is a private non-university higher education institution, granting Professional Bachelor degrees. The University of Applied Sciences was established by the Lithuanian Kolping Foundation, a Catholic charity and support organization.

KUAS is funded by the International Kolping Society that unites about 500 000 members in 60 different countries of the world. The students of KUAS have the opportunity to undertake international practice in different countries within the Interntional Kolping Network.

Social responsibility is one of the priorities of KUAS. Therefore, the KUAS takes part in different social actions and cooperates with more than 70 companies in the public or private sector where the students of KUAS can undertake their professional practice.

One of the goals beyond establishment of the Kolping  University of Applied Sciences was to create and open an educational institution to develop social leaders. The second goal was to help demotivated young people perceive their personal dignity and value, to develop their confidence in internal strength and after they gain professional expertise to help them become masterful specialists able to adapt to the rapidly changing environment of the labour market.

The motto of the  Kolping  University of Applied Sciences  is: “If you seek for a better future it is your own responsibility to create it”. These are the words of blessed Adolph Kolping who was hold up as an example when establishing the Lithuanian Kolping Society, included in the International Kolping society that unites about 500 000 members in 60 different countries of the world with its centre in Cologne, Germany, where the establisher of the Society blessed Adolph Kolping worked.