March 16, 2017

Apply now for partial and fully-funded postgraduate scholarships!

Open and friendly Lithuania is one of the most intresting countries in which to pursue international education. And we have some exciting news for you for you! The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania is offering 70 partial and fully-funded postgraduate scholarships for international students.


Citizens from Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Japan, China, Korea and Israel, as well as foreigners of Lithuanian origin, are eligible to apply for Lithuanian state funded scholarships for full-time Master degree studies.


Don’t miss a chance to gain international education. The only thing that matters is your talent!


The deadline for the first selection round is 10th of May, 2017.


For more information about the application process please visit: http://stipendijos.lt/en/scholarships-for-full-time-master-degree-studies-the-call-for-proposals-is-open