October 20, 2014

Lithuania – among TOP3 destinations for 2015

Every year, one of the key journals for travelers Lonely Planet forms a list of 10 countries which are absolutely must-see in the coming year. And guess who made it to the list at a solid #3? Well, we wouldn’t publish this news bulletin here otherwise, would we?

After #1 Singapore and #2 Namibia, comes #3 Lithuania (the full list can be found here. If you were considering to study abroad, why not chose a country which has been voted a top destination for travels? Let’s be honest – studying is one thing, but during those few years that you will spend here, you will have a chance to travel our land east to west and south to north. Read Lonely Planet article about Lithuania here (small note – it is metioned in the article that the Euro exchange rate is nto decided yet, but, actually, it has been – 3.45, which is what it was for the past 10 years as well).

If you were waiting for a sign to visit Lithuania – this is it!