March 31, 2014

Growing interest from Asia

Numbers of students in the South East of Asia are growing every year, and many Universities in this region are looking to enhance their experience with student exchange programmes abroad, especially Europe. Through partnerships among Universities, Lithuania attracts a lot of students from Korea and Japan, for example. Vilnius University has 34 Koreans and 10 Japanese students, Vytautas Magnus University – 22 Koreans, 6 Japanese and 4 Chinese students, with many others in other Universities across the country.

Only last week “Study in Lithuania” team together with representatives from Kaunas University of Technology, Vilnius Gedminas Technical University and Vilnius University came back from the international APAIE exhibition in Seoul, South Korea. These events differ from ordinary study fares where potential students and their parents come, in a way that in APAIE, Universities get a chance to meet representatives from other higher education institutions from all around the world, exchange best practices, learn from each other’s experiences and form new partnerships for student exchanges and other types of cooperation.

Now we only need to wait another year to see the fruit of the many meetings our Universities had in Seoul, which will be represented in the statistical data of exchange students coming to study in Lithuania.