January 14, 2014

Don’t miss an opportunity to learn more about Lithuania for free!

SOROS INTERNATIONAL HOUSE (www.sih.lt) with the support of the European Integration Fund is implementing a 1-year long programme to facilitate the integration of non-EU nationals into the Lithuanian society.

What do we offer in 2014?
Orientation course

We offer 60-hour orientation course – introduction to the Lithuanian society, history, culture and legal system:
• 30 hours of formal instruction;
• 30 hours of informal learning – study visits, events, excursions, etc.

When does the course start?
The course starts on 10 February 2014. Classes will take place at SIH (Konstitucijos 23A, Vilnius) twice a week, each lesson 2 hour-long according to the following schedule:
Monday/ Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday 12.00 – 14.00 or 17.30-19.30.
The registration is now open. Hurry up! Places are limited!

Please contact us at (370) 5 2724879, (370) 600 20636, or e-mail to gileta@sih.lt if you are interested in the Integration Programme at SIH!

The course is FREE OF CHARGE to non-EU nationals granted the right for temporary or permanent residence in the Republic of Lithuania for a period specified in the permit.