Lithuanian – a popular destination for students from Azerbaijan
7th annual international Education and Carreer fair was held in Azerbaijan on 4-6 of October, where Lithuanian delegation presented our higher education system. The delegation consited of the Vice-minister of Education and Science ministry Rimantas Vaitkus, representatives of Education Exchanges Support Foundation and 22 Universities and Colleges of Lithuania.
Lithuanian stand, same as last year, was the biggest one in the fair and was also nominated for being the most popular among more than a hundred countries and Universities that were represented on the floor. Our stand was also visited by the minister of Education of Azerbaijan Mr. Mikayil Cabbarov.
Azerbaijan is one of the most perspective markets for Lithuanian higher education institutions. The number of students coming from this country increases every year – in 2011/2012 there were 53, 2012/2013 102, and this year – more than 150. Students are also active in using opportunities to get scholorships – 14 have applied for a full tuition waiver for their master studies.
Five Lithuanian Universities so far have made it into a list of state programme for “Studies abroad for youth of Azerbaijan”, which means that youngsters can get financial support from the government for studies in Lithuania. These are Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius University and Vytautas Magnus University.